African Bronze Mother Sculpture


African Bronze Mother Sculpture

– A one-of-a-kind work of art, each sculpture beautifully crafted.

Celebrating the bond between mother and child.

Approximately 40 cm high

Only 1 left in stock


African Bronze Mother Sculpture

Beautiful gift for anyone that cares for or has cared for a child

Artisans in Burkina Faso convey the serene beauty of feminine Africa in bronze, cast with the lost wax method: the sculpture is carved in beeswax and a clay mold is formed around it, then the wax is melted away, leaving a void to fill with molten bronze.

The amount of time invested in small details always comes through. This artistic style focuses mainly on a smoothly contoured figure in repose, which can be replicated quite closely. To give each piece individuality, roughly-textured frocks wrap each figure with folds and flares in slightly different array, guaranteeing that each piece is completely one-of-a-kind.

Sculptures of figures of all shapes and sizes emerge from the foundry, from tiny dancing ladies to towering statues. In true Burkinabe spirit, an appreciation for distinctiveness shines through each creation.